Wednesday 2 October 2013

What is an audience?

Throughout media and Film studies audience is one of the most frequently used terms. It’s a massive part of film, TV programmes and all other types of media. Overall audience helps the media industry to find out whether there programme, film, magazine etc. is worth presenting to the public. An audience is something that we tend to analyse at a distance, making generalisations about it, how we feel about it, what it means. It’s also something in which we are involved in, whether we like it or not.

We are part of an audience. We decide whether a film is good or not, we choose what magazines we buy, we watch TV programmes. This means that companies can find out what the public enjoy or like, they can find out what different target audience's like. There are loads of small compartments that creates an 'audience' this could be age group, gender, class, ethnic etc. Even if you don't want to, you are part of an audience.

My own definition of audience is 'audience is everyone, the media give us films, books, TV programmes, magazines etc. and we judge them based on our own personal likes and dislikes.'

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