Thursday 14 November 2013

Evaluation of my school magazine

As I've now finished my school magazine and had feedback for it, I've now got to evaluate my performance and finished product.

Overall I think my finished magazine isn't bad for a first attempt; however I could do better if I got the opportunity to do it again. I feel like I did the right amount of planning needed for this product, I planned it out on paper, and then drew a quick sketch up on the computer of where I'd have the pictures, mast head and the information about my school. For both the contents page and the front cover I think that I went along with the major codes and conventions of main stream magazines, just at a more basic level.

If I had more time I think I could of produced a slightly better quality magazine front cover and contents page. I would of learnt how to use the software before I needed to use it so I didn't go straight into producing my magazine. However I am happy with my finished product although there can be some improvements to make it look more realistic.

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