Wednesday 13 November 2013


As I've had to use my own images, I've had to edit them myself to. The first image I edited, I cropped down all the sides so I made the image smaller than the original image. I then used a tool to make the whole image brighter. This image is of the two sixth form students, that I have placed on my contents page.

The wide angle shot of everyone working I've not edited. I didn't feel it needed anything doing to it as it's not a single person, it's a group of people so you can't really see their faces, therefore I didn't edit it at all. This image is my main image, I've used it as my front cover image.

The image I took of the tree, I've cropped it down so that the focus is only on the tree and not the surrounding area. I also darkened the surrounding area so that the tree stands out more. This image I have used in the upper right corner on both my front cover and contents page. I have places it behind the writing as the title needs to be seen more than the tree does.

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