Sunday 24 November 2013

Front Cover Anaylsis

I am going to analyse the front cover of Kerrang magazine. I will highlight the codes and conventions of the front cover, this will help me to understand what I have to add into my magazine when I create it.

Mast Head
The mast head is covered by the main image, as Kerrang is a well known magazine it doesn't matter that the picture is covering the mast head as there target audience would still buy the magazine. The amount of information on the front cover means that the mast head will have to be covered a small amount to fit everything on.

This pug is towards the top left hand corner, this tells the reader something is for free. Ususally we read from left to right so positioning the pug in the top left hand corner means its something the target audience will see first, wanting them to buy it.

The coverlines are telling the reader other stories that are inside the magazine. The yellow and red contrast together, this makes them stand out and your eyes get instantly drawn towards it.

Colour Scheme
The main colour scheme is black and red, this makes the red writing and background stand out so that it's read first. The mast head is in red to make it stand out as the main cover image hides the mast head a little. Aswell as the red and black colour scheme there is also yellow on the colour, the yellow contrasts with the red and black to make the pugs and puffs stand out alot more.

There is a puff at the bottom of the magazine, this is because when the target audience has finished reading the front cover they usually finish in the bottom right hand corner. This leaves them wanting the magazine more as they want to read the articles that are inside.

Mode of Access
On the main cover image, one person is pointing directly down the camera this makes us think that he's pointing at us. This could persuade someone to buy the magazine even more as he could be in some way communicating to that reader. Usually on the front of magazines they use 2nd person or personal pronouns like "you" to communicate to there target audience.   

Straight forward features
Every magazine has straight forward features that they have to include, this will contain a bar code, price and issue number. On this Kerrang magazine they are all placed together, this makes it easier for the reader to find it. 

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