Friday 21 March 2014

Contents Page

This is my completed contents page. I think that this is the weakest of the three pages I've had to complete however I think that it is better than my preliminary task because I've learn how to use the software more. Overall I think that even though this is the weakest in my three other pages I still like the way it turned out as it looks more professional than I thought it would.

Double Page Spread

This is my double page spread. I like the way that it has turned out considering I am not very good at using the software like fireworks and Photoshop. The plan I first created, like my front cover, only has some of the same elements. However I am happy with the elements I have included and think that the double page spread has turned out a lot better than I thought.

Front Cover

This is my final front cover design; it hasn't gone to the plan as a whole. However there are some elements that are the same as I originally designed, for example the mast head and the cover line. Overall I think the way that the front cover has come out is a vast improvement on the preliminary task I had to complete at the start.

Saturday 15 March 2014

Common Features

On every magazine there are common features that they all have. My magazine is no different, to get the authentic magazine look I will be adding a bar code, the price, issue number and date. This will help to give my magazine the professional look.

Friday 14 March 2014

Double page spread background

I wanted to include something different on my magazine, so I went back to look at many examples and I have decided to split my background up into two different images. One will be a plain solid colour while the other will be an image. As I want this for my background I don't want the image side to stand out alot, this is because I don't want to take the attention away from my main article and images. Finding an image to use was hard however I thought flowers might be a good way to go as they are mostly simple and understated meaning the focus won't always be on them! To keep my background clear colours but still able to be seen, I used effects to make the image slightly yellower so that is isnt always white.
This is the image that I am going to use, with the solid coulour and the patterened nevt to it.

Sign Decisions

On my front cover I included a new sign to promote a competition that is happening. This is the way that my final design came about. I wanted to incorporate the same pink colour that is a running theme all the way through my magazine.
When I put this star onto my magazine it didn't look right, so I added the text to see if it looked any better, "Win tickets for your fave band". The text was in black to link in with my colour scheme.
After playing around with different effects I decided that I didn't want a pink star, therefore I went back to the start and started again. Now this is my chosen sign.
This is the star that will be included on the front of my magazie, I feel that it looks better that the other star that I have tried out and that the writing links in more with the whole magazine.


Thursday 13 March 2014

To make my magazine look more realistic I've found a website that has a wide range or fonts, a lot more that the software that I've had to use for this project. Here are some images of the finished text that I will be using on my magazine.

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Double Page Spread Fonts

These are the different fonts I used on my double page spread, these fonts are:

I feel that these fonts suit the style of my magazine because they're simple yet effective in getting the attention they need and getting what is said in the interview across. I've used the FELIX TITLING font for the questions of the interview and the Lucida Bright font for the answers of the interview.

Possible Cover Lines

The cover lines help the possible reader to see what they'll find inside the magazine so they know whether to buy it or not! Here is some examples of some I may use on my magazine:

The truth about……..
Exclusive interview with………..
This years hottest artists, an exclusive look
Exclusive CD inside 
The return of........

Chosen Mast Head

This is the font and title I will be using for my mast head. I am happy with the choice I've chosen because I think it relates to my magazine well with the genre I've chosen and its also doesn't clash with a similar theme like rock.

Title Decision

As the majority of planning is done for my magazine I have to figure out what I want to call it. I've done some research into possible magazine names and I have found out that most of them don't relate to artists themselves but to something more random for example Q Magazine. Some of the examples I have already come up with is a name that relates to the magazine; for example, The Beat, Audio and Melody however after thinking about it for a couple of days I don't want any of these names so today I came up with my magazine name. I am going to be calling my magazine Spotlight, this is because its focusing on two individual artists therefore the spotlight is on them and I also feel that it fits into my chosen genre better than the others.

Friday 7 March 2014

Photo Shoot

After I created my mise-en-scene blog post I had to do a photo shoot in order to find images to include in my magazine. To prepare for my photos I looked back on images in magazines that have the same genre as mine. For designing my models I chose outfits with block colours, mainly black and white. I then had my model with a small amount of makeup on, almost unnoticeable. As I want my magazine recognizable as an alternative genre, I am hoping from these photos that the genre will be noticeable.

For my magazine I feel that I can use either one of these images, however later on in the process of making my magazine I may take more images that feature in the contents page and double page spread. I have also got another model to pose for my magazine, this is so I have another artist to talk about which means the magazine will have more content. I will be calling this model Poppy James.

This is the second artist that I will be featuring on my magazine. Like I said in a older blog post I will be calling this artist "Hayley White".

Thursday 6 March 2014

Interview for double page spread

For my double page spread I have to produce an interview from my artist. In another blog post I wrote some questions and I have answered them like my artist would.

~What are your dreams and goals?
My main dream is to become a well known artist, someone who everyone knows and is a role model to young people who are in the same position as me. My goals are to eventually have a tour and to sing in front of thousands of people.
~Who writes the songs, what are they about?
I write all my own songs! Obviously I sometimes get help from other songwriters if I'm struggling with a certain point in the song but other than that its all my own work. As I write all my songs myself, they're usually about my life and all the experiences I've had.
~How do you promote your singing and shows?
I use social media a lot to promote my work. I think this way of promoting my singing and shows is a lot easier to do as its cheaper and within seconds of posting the news many of my followers will see it and the news just gets passed along by word of mouth, which is great!
~Who is your biggest musical inspiration of all time?
My biggest musical inspiration of all time would probably be some bands like Snow Patrol and The 1975. However this is a really hard question to answer as I love so many bands and singers.
~Where do you picture yourself in three years?
In 3 years I hope to have my own album out and hopefully I want to be No.1 in the charts. I'd also like to be performing more, on bigger and better stages.
~What do you think about downloading music online?
I'm all for legally downloading music however I don't think illegally downloading is right, in my opinion I think its like stealing and you shouldn't steal.
~What inspires you to do what you do?
Everything! Everything I see inspires me, everyday normal objects that I feel could come into one of my songs. Other than that, its the people in my life, like my family and friends. They are there when experiencing all the things I write about, so they help to inspire me with just there presence.
~Who do you think still keeps it the freshest, musically wise of course?
I don't know how to answer this question! I like the bands that I like because of the music they produce, if everyone kept there music fresh and moved with the time, everything would be the same therefore they wouldn't be my favorite!
~What advice would you give to fellow solo singer?
Erm... Be yourself! Don't let other people tell you what you should be singing about or what you should wear. Its your career that you're starting so don't let others tell you how to. However don't confuse people giving you advice with people telling you what to do.
~What are the biggest obstacles for your singing career?
My biggest obstacles would probably be finding people that want to listen to my music, like I said earlier I think going into the music career is easier than its ever been so usually when you go and speak to a producing team they just think you're like everyone else who wants to sing just for the fame, whereas I don't want the fame I just want to sing.

Saturday 1 March 2014

Questions for the interview

My double page spread will include an interview with my artist, Tina Jones. For this, I have started to think about possible questions that my interview could include.

What are your dreams and goals?
Who writes the songs, what are they about?
How do you promote your singing and shows?
Who is your biggest musical inspiration of all time?
Describe your show, visual and musically
Where do you picture yourself in three years?
What do you think about downloading music online?
What's your outlook on the recording industry today?
What inspires you to do what you do?
Who do you think still keeps it the freshest, musically wise of course?
What advice would you give to fellow solo singer?
How does music affect you and the world around you?
Fave song in charts right now?
What's new in the recording of your music?
What are the biggest obstacles for your singing career?
What's the best and worst thing about playing clubs?

Identity of Artists

For my magazine I have to create an artist to link in with the images that I have taken of my model. The artist that my magazine will be focused on will be called "Tina Jones" . I chose this name randomly to fit in with the genre of my magazine and the model I will be using to act as the artist. I am going to base the image of my artists on the style of people like Kylie and Kendall Jenner and Shenae Grimes. I feel that the outfits that I have chosen suit my magazine genre perfectly because it's the style most teenagers are wearing or at least they know and could recognize and relate to it. The back story to this artist is that she is a young British artist who is new on the music scene and is working towards her first album gaining fans and promoting her music via social media. On my magazine there will be two other artists one called "Poppy James" and the other called "Hayley White" these artists won't be the main article however they will make an appearance on my contents page as two solo artists.