Thursday 6 March 2014

Interview for double page spread

For my double page spread I have to produce an interview from my artist. In another blog post I wrote some questions and I have answered them like my artist would.

~What are your dreams and goals?
My main dream is to become a well known artist, someone who everyone knows and is a role model to young people who are in the same position as me. My goals are to eventually have a tour and to sing in front of thousands of people.
~Who writes the songs, what are they about?
I write all my own songs! Obviously I sometimes get help from other songwriters if I'm struggling with a certain point in the song but other than that its all my own work. As I write all my songs myself, they're usually about my life and all the experiences I've had.
~How do you promote your singing and shows?
I use social media a lot to promote my work. I think this way of promoting my singing and shows is a lot easier to do as its cheaper and within seconds of posting the news many of my followers will see it and the news just gets passed along by word of mouth, which is great!
~Who is your biggest musical inspiration of all time?
My biggest musical inspiration of all time would probably be some bands like Snow Patrol and The 1975. However this is a really hard question to answer as I love so many bands and singers.
~Where do you picture yourself in three years?
In 3 years I hope to have my own album out and hopefully I want to be No.1 in the charts. I'd also like to be performing more, on bigger and better stages.
~What do you think about downloading music online?
I'm all for legally downloading music however I don't think illegally downloading is right, in my opinion I think its like stealing and you shouldn't steal.
~What inspires you to do what you do?
Everything! Everything I see inspires me, everyday normal objects that I feel could come into one of my songs. Other than that, its the people in my life, like my family and friends. They are there when experiencing all the things I write about, so they help to inspire me with just there presence.
~Who do you think still keeps it the freshest, musically wise of course?
I don't know how to answer this question! I like the bands that I like because of the music they produce, if everyone kept there music fresh and moved with the time, everything would be the same therefore they wouldn't be my favorite!
~What advice would you give to fellow solo singer?
Erm... Be yourself! Don't let other people tell you what you should be singing about or what you should wear. Its your career that you're starting so don't let others tell you how to. However don't confuse people giving you advice with people telling you what to do.
~What are the biggest obstacles for your singing career?
My biggest obstacles would probably be finding people that want to listen to my music, like I said earlier I think going into the music career is easier than its ever been so usually when you go and speak to a producing team they just think you're like everyone else who wants to sing just for the fame, whereas I don't want the fame I just want to sing.

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