Friday 7 March 2014

Photo Shoot

After I created my mise-en-scene blog post I had to do a photo shoot in order to find images to include in my magazine. To prepare for my photos I looked back on images in magazines that have the same genre as mine. For designing my models I chose outfits with block colours, mainly black and white. I then had my model with a small amount of makeup on, almost unnoticeable. As I want my magazine recognizable as an alternative genre, I am hoping from these photos that the genre will be noticeable.

For my magazine I feel that I can use either one of these images, however later on in the process of making my magazine I may take more images that feature in the contents page and double page spread. I have also got another model to pose for my magazine, this is so I have another artist to talk about which means the magazine will have more content. I will be calling this model Poppy James.

This is the second artist that I will be featuring on my magazine. Like I said in a older blog post I will be calling this artist "Hayley White".

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